The Bell Tower Community Foundation has scheduled a special Tower Tunes Live Community Easter Sing-Along event for Easter Sunday. Becky Greiner will play Easter hymns on Easter Sunday, April 12, at 12:15 pm on the Mahanay Carillon in downtown Jefferson.
This event is not just a concert, but a community sing-along in local homes and yards. The hymns are a selection of familiar and beloved songs for all denominations. Step outside on your porch or driveway, or park your car and join in singing. Foundation members encourage the public to participate through the social distancing guidelines.
Because Easter Sunday services are cancelled in local churches, the Mahanay Bell Tower offers a unifying musical opportunity to worship together on Easter Sunday. The bells continue to play each hour digitally with the Westminster chimes at each quarter hour and several selections after each hour.
The list of hymns that will be played are listed below and the public is encouraged to access the lyrics online or in a hymnals. A couple of verses of each hymn will be played.
Selections will include:
Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today
Just As I Am
How Great Thou Art
Amazing Grace
Rock of Ages
I Know that My Redeemer Lives
My Faith Looks Up to Thee
Blessed Assurance
Beautiful Savior